bucktown arts fest — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


bucktown arts fest

It's that time of year....

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Where did the summer go? It's already time for the fabulous Bucktown Arts Fest!
This unique show is an incredible, eclectic mix of artists,
performance, community and fun...you don't want to miss it...trust me!
Come see for yourself and say hello: I'll be in Booth #14, the Northwest corner of the park on Belden.


Where: Senor Citizen Memorial Park
Oakley & Belden (2200 North in Bucktown)
When: Saturday & Sunday, August 25-26

Hours: 11am-7pm

Vintage ALF Paintings for Sale at the Bucktown Arts Fest this weekend!

Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck4 Comments

I'm very grateful to share that we sold our house in this impossible market...and I'm downsizing my life in a big way, so that means I'm ready to part with some vintage art works that I've made over the last 15 years. I'll have many at this weekend's Bucktown Arts Fest. This little show is still going strong and now, bigger than ever. I'll be selling lots of new works from the summer as well as vintage pieces from the late 90's...pieces I painted when I lived in the neighborhood. C'mon by...let's liven up your walls!


Anne's Booth Location: #14

Northwest Corner of the Show on Belden

Dates & Times: Saturday, August 27th & Sunday August 28th

11:00 a.m. - Dusk

Round Trip Flight, 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas in Wood Frame: $500

This is the only large piece I have left from my "flying people" series...I did many of these before Izzy and other dogs came into my life...they were inspired by dreams of flying!

Day & Night, 28x30 Acrylic on Wood, Framed: $400

Strike 3, 25x49 Acrylic on Canvas w/wood frame: $600

This piece chronicles the traumatic gang problems we lived through in Bucktown back in the 90's. I still have the quarter brick that came through our window at 3am...our sweet salvation: we had just put in an order for new windows the week before!

Kick-off Party for Bucktown Arts Fest!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Time is flying and I'm exhausted after a week of moving...But I will update you on that another time...business first!  Tonight is the Kick-off Party for the Bucktown Arts Fest at the Jackson Junge Gallery in Wicker Park. I donated "Three Birds Flying" which I painted in my Bucktown studio several years ago...hope it finds a new home tonight and helps raise some funds for the Fest & neighborhood art programs!

Tango....A day in the life of a Vizsla

Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

This was another Holiday Pet Portrait Gift...this one a 24x36 Painting of a local Chicagoland Vizsla, "Tango". I met Cris and his wife back in August at the Bucktown Arts Fest, he contacted me in November wanting to surprise his wife with this wonderful gift. He was the perfect client - supplying me with many wonderful photos and a list of Tango's favorite places, activities, toys and treats, including baguettes after picking one up on a walk near the Red Hen Bakery. This was a fun project from beginning to end!

Tango with his painting!

This was the final sketch before I did the painting....and black and white below: TangoSketch1

Bucktown Wrap Up...

Events, Shows & Ar..., Inspiring Artists &...Anne LeuckComment

Bcktwn2010Had an awesome corner spot at the Bucktown Arts Fest this year...thanks, Maria! Met some lovely new customers and had a great time next to artists' Danielle Crilly and Christie Chew-Wallace....across the aisle wonderful jewelers' Veronica Riley Martens and Deanna Rose.Bucktown2010Did some fabulous art trades trades with Sara Lenart...my Number 3 Pendant made from a pool ball, so cool! 
Picture 41 And these lovelies from Veronica Riley Martens:
Picture 43

And bought this great coffee mug from Ed Brownlee
Picture 40
Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend!