dog art today — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


dog art today

Mutt Lynch Wine Label Contest...Vote #61

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Anneleuckfeldhaus"Mixed Breeds", ©Anne Leuck Feldhaus

The Dog Art Today 2010 Mutt Lynch Winery Label Contest is underway and voting ends tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25th. I would love to have your vote for "Mixed Breeds" #61, the label is for a new red wine called "Muttitage". Be sure to scroll down and check out all 77 entries...and vote for your favorite!

The winning entry will be made
into a label for Mutt Lynch Winery's limited edition wine (only 500
bottles) that will
debut at the winery's Dog Days of Summer event on August 14, 2010.  This
annual event includes wine tasting,
dog themed art, and vendor booths to benefit the San Francisco SPCA.