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female artists

Trucks + Grain + Women

Clay, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 11 My trucks have finally found utility...I will have several on display at the Women In Grains Show...(a Coast to Coast Perspective) opening this Friday, July 16th at the Woolen Mills Gallery in Reedsburg, WI. This gallery is part of the Worm Farm Institute which is "dedicated to integrating culture and agriculture, an evolving laboratory of the arts and
ecology and fertile ground for creative work.
" The show was curated by fellow artist/friend and notorious CORN LADY, Cathi Bouzide and encompasses the work of 18 women from around the country...there will even be a limited edition Women in Grains Beer microbrewed by Cathi's husband Paul. Should be a fun filled and very interesting evening!

Women in Grain email version When invited to participate, I decided to use my trucks. My initial hope
was to actually plant grain in the beds of them, this required that I
work outside of my comfort level and build bigger rigs. It was
challenging but I learned a lot and had new ideas along the way. Time
and circumstances prevented my use of live plants so I opted to fill
them with grain: corn, oats, rice, rye, buffalo grass and black popcorn.
Most of which were brought to me from the farm of artist, Dan
Brinkmeier in Mount Carroll. Still wondering why I'm in a show called
Women in Grains? Read my statement below...


Picture 10


Picture 16 

Picture 13

artist statement

Trucks started showing up in my work in 2007, shortly after moving to a new neighborhood not far from the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago. The sound of the trucks lull me to sleep at night and once the leaves fall, I see the trucks up there on that ribbon of elevated expressway every time I walk out my front door to walk the dogs.

I actually like the sound these trucks make and I have a fascination with their scale and design. Growing up in quiet small town Sparta, Wisconsin, the sounds of the highway lulled me to sleep at night and reminded me that there was a whole other world out there full of people traveling and venturing to other places. I also love road trips, so trucks are a part of my visual landscape which I associate with the freedom and vistas of the open road.

So how do these things tie in with ‘Women in Grains’? I feel a certain grain connection due to my experiences at the Fields Project Artist Residency in rural Oregon, Illinois, not only painting images of the farms and fields, but actually making one of my images into an 11 acre field sculpture. I also consume my fair share of grains and in the end, no matter what I just said: trucks carry grain.