museum of science and industry — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


museum of science and industry

Bike the Drive...2010

My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 6 At 6am Sunday morning (before we even knew what the next 48 hours with Izzy would bring) we did Bike the Drive for the 3rd? time...but a first with the tandem and a bike that had more than one speed so I feel like we cheated a little. ; ) Round trip from our home and back with google maps: 40 miles. Picture 7The most entertaining part of the morning was meeting the couple above (Jacob and Kate?) on another Schwinn Twinn...their's fully authentic complete with the originals seats and fenders...and much prettier, but they coveted our basket and Rich's custom rear light job. I was especially impressed when I found out he had just purchased it the day before, she told him the the only way she would do the ride was if he had a tandem, enter Craigslist voila...!  Picture 8
Picture 9 Picture 13

Tandem Trip #2 of 2010

My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 46 On Sunday we took our 2nd tandem ride of 2010, almost 30 miles round trip, from our house to the Museum of Science & Industry and back (so I could check out the storm exhibit...I am intrigued by weather!) It was a great ride south, I never get tired of looking at the glorious blue green color of Lake Michigan...this is all a little easier now thanks to the 3 speed hub Rich outfitted our 1970's vintage Schwinn Twinn Tandem with for our inaugural ride on Easter Sunday. We did 25 miles from under the I-90 bridge at the Fox River through Elgin down to St. Charles and back...the wind blew us all the way back which of course we planned (and I needed, as I was still recovering from my freaky cold).
Picture 30

Picture 29 The photo above shows the false horizon I kept cannot see Michigan from Chicago but it looks like it here! And below, our fair city from the south shore:
Picture 27