rail road — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


rail road

Tandem Trip #3 of 2010

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Picture 4My handsome husband sporting his tribal sunscreen application...Picture 5Last Sunday we headed to Indiana to ride on the Erie Lackawanna Trail. We did about 20 miles, all paved...I prefer more wooded trails but this was perfect for the day as the sun kept us warm and the trees in bloom were gorgeous.Picture 6 Not sure if we'll ride tomorrow...weather looks iffy and I have so much to do before I hit the road for Kansas City on Wednesday....hoping my painting muse shows up tomorrow! I'll leave you with a few more trees in bloom photos, one looking out our kitchen window and the other over here in Roscoe Village near my studio. Spring sure came early this year!Picture 3

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