Collectors Corner

My small screen mini doc debut with Touchvision...

Business, Collectors Corner, Commissioned Art, Helping out our 4 Legg..., My Candy Colored World, Pet Portraits, Press & Published ..., Process, The Dogs Behind the Art, VideoAnne LeuckComment

Warning: You might need tissues. I was humbled and grateful to have had my work and message captured so beautifully by Enero J. Ray and Chad Fedler of Touchvision. This was edited down from a 40 minute interview with me as well as a visit from my client Claire and her pups Medi and Tula.

Warning: You might need tissues (according to the folks on Facebook who watched it already). I am humbled and grateful to have had my work and message captured so beautifully by Enero J. Ray and Chad Fedler of Touchvision. This was edited down from a 40 minute interview with me as well as a visit from my client Claire and her pups Medi and Tula. We also took a field trip over to the new Urban Pooch Canine Training Center to get some footage of the new mural I designed. What a gift to have this tribute to my pups Izzy and Alice who were such an integral part of growing my art business and inspiring me to get involved with addressing the Homeless Pet situation so prevalent in our society.

Art in residence!

Collectors Corner, Commissioned ArtAnne LeuckComment

Fun to recently receive these photos of the Pierce Family's collection. I created this narrative 4 piece commission back in 2005. Each panel of this narrative quadriptych featured cities and significant life events in those locales. If this interests you, see more at this link, they make for incredibly memorable gifts!

This piece is from my dream flyer series back in the late 90's early 2000's...vintage ALF! So delightful to see where my work resides, and what a gorgeous home!

No Business Like Show Business...

Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar..., My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

It's been a crazy, exhausting, and very fun last couple of weeks! Shows in bitter temps, and snow...but folks still came out and supported us. I'm happy to say I had my best One of a Kind Show, ever...I left with 23 Pet Portrait Orders! Luckily not all were Holiday Orders...I'm so grateful and excited that my new Personalized Portraits seem to be a hit. Here are some photos from One of a Kind and the Chicago Art Girls 2nd Annual Holiday Pop up Shop, last weekend.





Candid Shots from the 2013 Bucktown Arts Fest

Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar..., My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment


Some fun shots from the Bucktown Arts was a beautiful weekend, so fun to connect with friends and customers old and new! This was my debut show in the art fair world, 18 years ago...1995. My, how time flies! I had an unfortunate incident towards the end of the day Sunday, my temporary crown on my front tooth came off! I was mortified, but in the end it made for a lot of giggling and laughing with artist friends and customers...and it was very sweet when a little girl showed me her lack of '2' front teeth...what was I complaining about?! This is me being brave, posting on the I am, in all my hillbilly glory:




Collectors CornerAnne LeuckComment

Wonderful Photos of some of my wonderful customers:

Screen shot 2012-09-19 at 6.10.26 PMCarlos won this painting in my first ever Blog/FB Auction!

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Annawith her new black & white collection of original drawings,and porcelain tiles.
So gladthey've all found a lovely new home

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A respite from color...the Siegel's with their new acquisitions.

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Cindi with her new piece: 'Blue Dog + Blooms'

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The Hunt's with their new painting: 'Canines in Blue'

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Barbara with her 3 new paintings! These were all very personal pieces to me.
Grateful they have found a good home.