Commissioned Art

My small screen mini doc debut with Touchvision...

Business, Collectors Corner, Commissioned Art, Helping out our 4 Legg..., My Candy Colored World, Pet Portraits, Press & Published ..., Process, The Dogs Behind the Art, VideoAnne LeuckComment

Warning: You might need tissues. I was humbled and grateful to have had my work and message captured so beautifully by Enero J. Ray and Chad Fedler of Touchvision. This was edited down from a 40 minute interview with me as well as a visit from my client Claire and her pups Medi and Tula.

Warning: You might need tissues (according to the folks on Facebook who watched it already). I am humbled and grateful to have had my work and message captured so beautifully by Enero J. Ray and Chad Fedler of Touchvision. This was edited down from a 40 minute interview with me as well as a visit from my client Claire and her pups Medi and Tula. We also took a field trip over to the new Urban Pooch Canine Training Center to get some footage of the new mural I designed. What a gift to have this tribute to my pups Izzy and Alice who were such an integral part of growing my art business and inspiring me to get involved with addressing the Homeless Pet situation so prevalent in our society.

Anne's Art at Ravenswood Animal Hospital

Commissioned ArtAnne LeuckComment

I had a wonderful time working with Dr. Cindy Olsen creating this great piece for the lobby of her brand new Animal Hospital in Ravenswood, we're practically neighbors! We incorporated elements from her logo (a horseshoe with the Chicago flag stars), and her dearly departed horse, Skip. It looks so good with the bright yellow walls of her lobby. I've got several other pieces on display, as well. It was great fun to see the place packed with people and pets at her recent grand opening. See photos below of her staff, which includes her darling mother, Mama 'C'. Such a warm and friendly place, when I meet my next dog, I'm definitely bringing her here! Alice's portrait was the placeholder until the final print was completed, they color coordinated with that gorgeous orchid!

Art in residence!

Collectors Corner, Commissioned ArtAnne LeuckComment

Fun to recently receive these photos of the Pierce Family's collection. I created this narrative 4 piece commission back in 2005. Each panel of this narrative quadriptych featured cities and significant life events in those locales. If this interests you, see more at this link, they make for incredibly memorable gifts!

This piece is from my dream flyer series back in the late 90's early 2000's...vintage ALF! So delightful to see where my work resides, and what a gorgeous home!

The Axnick Pups

Commissioned Art, Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

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Todd and
Linda came by recently to pick up the super fun, custom Narrative Pet
Portrait Painting of their five beloved pups...they even brought two of
them, Dublin and Pink! Such a fun project and such sweet, beautifu
dogs...I love my job!

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Dublin w/his portrait!

see detai shots below.
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Dublin the "Dock Diver"

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Tully...the "Food Hound"...who loves treats!

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Madigan: "Shoe Stealer" & obsessed with squirrels...they find their shoes in their yard!

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Cait loves tennis balls! She carries around 2 at a time!

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Pink, who never wants to be left behind...loves to go along in the car!

Bad Ass Art...

Commissioned Art, Pet PortraitsAnne Leuck4 Comments

It was great fun to create this composition encompassing all the lovely animals at the "Bad Ass Sheep Farm". I had the pleasure of visiting the Hendricks Farm over the Holidays when I was visiting family and friends in Wisconsin and meeting all these adorable creatures. Very helpful to capture the spirit of this commission. In the painting: their chickens...(sorry I don't have names) Dogs: Joy and Bo, Jack (Sparro) the  kitty cat, Jacob Sheep Ewes: Rachel and Rebecca, Romney Sheep: 769 & Pitchfork and last, but not least, Penny..the (not so) bad ass! Oh...and the bees, they even make their own fabulous honey...from the Division of Angry Bees! Such lovely people and an idealic little farm, thanks Beth Ann & John!


Jacob Sheep Ewes, Rachel and their markings!

Raw Honey, brought to you by the Division of Angry Bees!


Beth Ann getting ready to serve up a bad ass lunch!



"Day of the Dead" inspired narrative pet favorite!

Commissioned Art, Pet PortraitsAnne Leuck4 Comments

...just helped my fabulous new client, Claire, pull off a wonderful surprise for her partner, inconspicuously hung a narrative portrait of their dogs in my storefront window:

...her priceless response when she noticed it:

...i'm still smiling, this was such a fun project and the joy and surprise with which it was received, heart warming. ...and I love, love, loved creating the Mexican 'day of the dead' inspired details. It's my new favorite pet portrait! Do you like the subtle little angel/el angelito & devil/la diablita details? and the leaves and vine motif...with scalloped edges...this is going to carry through into some new paintings!

painting the birdbath...part 3: re-line & deliver!

Commissioned Art, New WorkAnne Leuck5 Comments

A week ago last Thursday night I finished painting the bird bath for the HCS Family Services 'In Bloom" public art project at Oak Brook Center. was an evening of re-lining to bring the images back into sharp focus!

It got to be a late night...

...the bottom/underside took way longer than I expected, finally finished at 3am!

Made last minute touch ups in the morning then signed it with my top secret tool...

...time to deliver it to Westmont to Remes Auto Body for the protective clear coat, Rich generously took the time to help me transport this thing once again.

...was very glad to have these gentlemen unload and carry it off the truck.

Can you tell it's late afternoon on a Friday? These guys were very jovial! I just received an email all the pieces were installed today at Oak Brook Center and the big award ceremony, ribbon cutting and sculpture walk is next Thursday, May 19th...kind of exciting!