A wonderful trip... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


A wonderful trip...

My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck2 Comments

Monday night I returned home from my trip to Minneapolis for the Uptown Art Fair. It was a great week, I was able to spend time with my Mom on the way up and my Dad on the way back. I traveled and stayed with my best friends from childhood...it was such a treat...lots of belly laughs...you know the ones where you laugh so hard you cry. Also got to have my booth right next to my good friend Deb Le Air:
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And the art fair was my best of the summer so far...which I will count myself lucky as folks reported sales (always a relative thing) as being way down from last year. Picture 47

This little pup...Frida...a Red Heeler mix hung out in my booth for awhile..she was very sweet and affectionate as I was needing some dog love being apart from Izzy & Alice for so long. Notice her crazy spotted tongue!
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This is a photo of me with the Wood girls left to right: Michele, Heather (with daughter Karlie) and Dawn - we grew up across the street from one another in Sparta...their house was like my second home (I remember the day Heather was born!). Dawn is my oldest friend and like a sister.
Picture 53
This is my crazy friend Lee who I also grew up with...she and Dawn were amazing atheletes and I was always tagging along trying to keep up but NEVER did. She makes me laugh hysterically and is just an overall outstanding human being who I do not see enough of!Picture 56