Art + Wine Thursday + Sale — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Art + Wine Thursday + Sale

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment


I hope you can join us Thursday night, September 17th! If not, you are welcome to peruse my website and inquire about paintings you may be interested in... I will be happy to offer you the 30% discount through 7pm on Friday.

Picture 1It's been a non-stop couple of weeks of work here with art fairs and more ahead of me...trying to enjoy while also dealing with the learning curve of having this new space. I learn something new every day and am trying to remember that it's okay that I'm making lots of mistakes because that is how we learn, right? Still difficult to not constantly judge myself, especially when it comes to marketing my events...juggling the social media thing I realize how dis-jointed my messages are and when I planned the studio events I didn't take into consideration that I would be amid several art fair weekends nor did I think things out thematically. A perfect example adding the 30% off sale during tomorrow's reception...would have been nice to have that on the postcard and in my initial e-mail blasts and on my website! Okay..enough of that, time to get to work...vacuuming, cleaning and re-hanging new work for tomorrow!