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The Dogs Behind the ArtAnne Leuck5 Comments

Well last week's computer problems reached crescendo on Friday...I lost every email written and sent Monday-Thursday and everything I did (including an art fair poster design, pet portrait sketches and photos) poof! gone. Rich was my Mac hero all weekend, he got everything back running and revamped so it sort of feels like I have a new computer. It could have been much worse so I am playing catch up.  Luckily I emailed the sketches to the clients so they were able to send them back to me and at least I have somewhere to start from. We've been taking lots of walks with all the great weather so today I just leave you with some fun photos of Alice & Izzy...who by the way is doing so well!! She even started snoring again, maybe she's going Benjamin Button on us! I hope you are having a lovely and LUCKY spring week wherever you are...

Picture 15 

Picture 16 

Picture 19 

Picture 18Picture 17