Blessed with Press...

Press & Published ...Anne Leuck1 Comment


What a nice way to start off the New Year: Free Press! I received a phone call on December 27th from Sun-Times reporterCeleste Busk, asking to interview me for a story about artiststransforming their home work spaces. I thought, "hmmm...ironic? but no, I would like to transform a workspace but OUTside my home. She must have gotten my name because someone told her about my previous renovated studio space in Bucktown". (yes, in fact Maria Mariottini, my old neighbor and long time maven of the Bucktown Arts Fest). When I explained that we had not made any big changes for my workspace here on Washtenaw and that I was starting to research store fronts and spaces outside my home she said she'd need to check with her editor. She called back and said we'll still do the story and shape it to  your situation because we like and want to use the studio photos from your website. (Thank you Laura Nugent, who gave me the idea to take some working photos and post on site). She has great ones on flickr, check them out. So she based the article on past, current and potential future studio...I still have a lot of investigating to do, among locations, the old Cooper Lamp Factory on Diversey (less than a block away) is being converted into a green business building called the Green Exchange, that could be really cool. Big windows, loft space, close to home, parking for clients and eco friendly, there may be some retail too. I'm on the fence, I dream about working (above ground!) in a large sunny space but also would really like the retail storefront for public exposure. Is it possible to have both, have it close to home, affordable and dog friendly?! That's my order to the universe. So the photo is from the article, Potential that Pops, which appeared in the Real Estate section of the Chicago Sun-Times on Friday, January 4th. There are also photos online and this edited down version of the article.