New Studio/Gallery — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


New Studio/Gallery

Not just a change of seasons...

Business, Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

StudiochangeHaving this storefront space has been an interesting experience...I've been here 1.5 years and kept regular open studio/gallery/shop hours for most of that time. I continue to get lots of commission work from people in the neighborhood but it's difficult to get that work done during 'open' hours and it's hard to commit to that during the summer when I have so many outdoor shows. So...I re-painted the "Gallery & Shop" sign to read "Art Studio". For now I'll be open on occasion, for special events and probably most Saturdays. Closer to the holidays, I may have set hours. It already seems to be working out, I've had a few appointments and even some knocks on the door this week. I'm happy to meet with you most days or evenings and you are always welcome to knock on the door if you're in the neighborhood!

Speaking of being open...this Saturday, September 18th is Guinness Oyster Fest in Roscoe Village so I will be open from Noon-7pm. Stop in for a drink and some special end of the season deals!

When the party's over...

Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 24I'm so grateful for the wonderful turn out we had for my Studio Grand Opening last Friday night! I battled with myself all summer as to when I should have said party...but with juggling all the art fairs and the stress of figuring out this new space I decided to take the good advice of my wise friend Anna Millea and wait until fall when all my outdoor shows were over for the season.

I am glad I was perfect and great fun seeing many of my collectors from over the years and friends and making many new ones. I had amazing help from Amanda Shell of Whirly Girl Designs and jewelry artist, Michelle Rubin. I received lovely surprises: gorgeous flowers from my Mother and my Brother, a wonderful gift of appetizers from Mike Green of the Village Tap (across the street), and treats from Rudy of Rudy's Bakery next door to my shop. The Chamber and other businesses on the street have made me feel so welcome here in Roscoe Village. Here are some photos from the evening...

Picture 26 

Picture 32

Picture 35

Picture 34 

Picture 36

Picture 39

Picture 33

Since signing the lease I have learned so much and it has not been
without a lot of growing pains...last spring I referred to the back room
as the Crying Room! I am happy to report that I have not used it for
that since July...things really seem to be turning around. I am so
grateful to have quite a long list of commission orders to fill, so time to get to work! Hope you enjoyed the photos, you can see several more on my Flickr page....and many thanks to Natalie Samp who took them!




Top 10 Things to do this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/Gallery, Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment


I was thrilled to find out that the Grand Opening Party for my studio made Crain's Chicago Business Top Ten List for things to do this weekend in Chicago! Now if some of you were on the fence about coming....this should settle it once and for all. : ) The libations are chilling and treats await...T minus 4 hours! Putting raffle gifts together for the drawing tonight...Need details? Bring your friends...

Picture 9

Cutting the ribbon...

My Candy Colored World, New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

Picture 8
Well it's now official...had a fun little ribbon cutting photo op yesterday with the Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce yesterday morning following their board meeting, which I hosted.
Picture 6
Executive Director Mary Markarian arriving with the big scissors!

Picture 5
I'm flying to Seattle tonight to visit my brother for a weekend of hiking, kayaking and fun in the mountains...I can't wait! Amanda of Whirleygirl Designs will be minding the shop for me, so stop in and say hello if you are in the neighborhood. I hope you have a wonderful weekend wherever you are!

2 Months Later...the Sign is Finished!

New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

Picture 17I've had many distractions trying to finish this sign, among them 3 art fairs and a show. Also bought some time testing a board covered with my sealed paint swatches outside. The black and white seemed to be compromised so I had to go over everything with a latex exterior wood & metal paint. This was grueling work...I just hope it holds up to the elements after all of this! Hopefully I'll have it sealed and hung before Labor Day! : )

Picture 16 All 3 pieces end to end, they line up pretty well considering they were painted separately.
Picture 15

It's a rainy 4th of July here...I've been at the studio all day and Rich is busy building a cabinet to house his amplifiers &  mikes at his practice studio...tomorrow we have fun: heading to the Indiana Dunes to bike on some trails and it's supposed to be beautiful weather - I can't wait!

It's a Sign

New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 3.Picture 6 One down, one to go...the 14 foot one. I'm having someone varnish it for me, I made this test board so he can be sure that the heavy duty UV Sealer won't attack my acrylics...hopefully it will be done and ready to hang soon! Time to close up and pack the truck for my art fair in Hyde Park tomorrow...come on down if you are in the neighborhood, Saturday 11am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm, this runs right along side the famed 57th Street Art Fair. The shop will also be open from noon-5pm on Saturday.

PS When I get my act together that 'Gallery & Shop' sign will be replaced with one cut in the silhouette of one of my flying dog images.