
Come Sketch Journal with me in GREECE!

Travel, Teaching, Sketchbook, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck


More Info HERE - Reach out ASAP, only a few spots remain!

Think you aren't an artist? Come with me and I'll prove you wrong as we island-hop through the Cyclades with the Blue Walk. Your sketchbook practice will be fueled by the fantastic places we will be visiting including:

  • Athens and its ancient history and vibrant café scene.

  • Amorgos, an authentic, lost-to-time Greek island.

  • Naxos beaches, charming harbor, and countryside

  • Lastly, Santorini with its history, iconic views and cliff-topped villages perched high above the sea.

Capturing these places and the magical moments on our trip will make your travel journal a lifelong treasure! 

2013 Fields Project Part 6: Cathi's Well

Inspiring Artists &..., My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne Leuck1 Comment

On the 2nd to last day of the

Fields Project

, resident artist

Cathi Shwalbe

orchestrated a water event at a public well located outside

Ashton, IL at Gurler Road and Schnell.


photos document her fourth gesture related to water. Her

handmade cups and this public well brought out many folks from the community througout the day. It was a beautiful thing and the water so fresh and cold and and lovely in her earthenware cups.

From Cathi: "Water should be free and clean = that is my the foundation. I was told about this well last year during

The Fields Project


Aneda Ebert

and knew what I would be doing during the 8th annual (for me) Fields

Project experience."

Anne, Cathi, fellow artist Carol Luc and Farm Hostess with the Mostest, Aneda Ebert!

These additional photos show the sky at the time I arrived to help Cathi set up at the well: Roll Clouds. I'm sure I've mentioned how much I love weather and storms and clouds. These were extraorinary...but it wasn't good timing for Cathi's event, luckily we were spared. Not even a drop of rain fell. The folks at either ends of this front were not so lucky. There had been pretty torrential rains the night before as can be seen below. Farmers were out all morning anxiously checking the fields.

Aneda and Carol arrived fashionably early in the storm armoured John Deere!


Full Fields Project 2013 Blog Series:

Part 1: Bocker Farm/Barnacopia

Part 2: Walks/Drives/Sights

Part 3: Elevator/Horse Ride/Sprayer

Part 4: Process

Part 5: Shoot Out

Part 6: Cathi’s Well

Part 7: Art Fair

2013 Fields Project Part 5: Shoot out!

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne Leuck1 Comment

A few days before we departed for the

Fields Project

, fellow artist and good friend,

Cathi Schwalbe

posted this photo on Facebook with the caption:

Anne & Cathi head for the country.

We decided we needed to re-create the photo in this modern day setting, as the 'Silo Sisters' (you might recall from my earlier post - we each had a guest room for the week sleeping in the silo (behind us). We enlisted the help of fellow resident artist Barbara Diener and her vintage 4x5 camera. We have not seen her rendition yet, these are candid shots taken by our 'farm dad' Gary Bocker. He outfitted us with his pistol and shot guns and yep, we all took a turn with the 12 guage!

Cathi sporting the ruby red shell casings on her fingers with our esteemed photographer, Gary!



2013 Fields Project Part 4: Process

My Candy Colored World, New Work, Process, TravelAnne LeuckComment

Part 4 from the Fields Project:  PROCESS

Unlike my plein air compatriots, I work via sketches and photographs. Mostly driving around the first few days of the residency and then setting up my outdoor studio at Castle Rock State Park. This year, I only spent a short time up there due to weather and ticks. I spent two afternoons painting in one of the enormous storage sheds at the Bocker and the morning doves, they didn't really appreciate my prescence but they graciously spared my artwork their droppings!





No, this cow was not this tall, but I couldn't resist making this comical rendition.

My work was more abstract than usual, this year. I was fascinated by the patterns of the driveways at the farms and the simple shapes of things.

2013 Fields Project Part 3: Elevator, Horse Ride & Sprayer

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne LeuckComment

More from the Fields Project in June: early in the week I put the word out that I wanted to see the landscape from the farmer's perspective. What I had in mind was a ride on some farm equipment, I should have know with this group I would get that, and so much more! Gary Bocker was geneorus enought to send me up the elevator, 180 high I looked down on their enourmous corn bins.The view was spectacular...and a little unnerving for the first 10 mintues (I could see straight through to the ground from the grate we stood on).

In the distance you can see 'The Rail' ... the train cars are loaded with corn and travel a short distance to the main railroad line.

Such a view!

With Gary Bocker, overlooking his corn kingdom! He had never been up here and wasn't going to join me. I insisted that he come, too...I think he was glad he made the trip.

The drive where the trucks cue up with their loads of corn.

I was very lucky to be up there when a load came in, look at that gorgeous yellow grain!

The trucks pull in over a grate and the corn fills the coffers (I hope I have that right!) It was pretty cool, I could hear what sounded like rain, as the corn was pumped up into the giant metal pipes and distributed back down into the bins.

Later that day, driving 'home'. I was at the highest point you see there!

After that awesome elevated view, I drove a few miles to one of their fields and grandson, Winton, took me out on the sprayer (above).

This a very sophisticated piece of equipment, that computer tracks a myriad of info including moisture, and temps. He educated me a bit about weeds, if they grow higher than 4 inches they take more moisture from the soil than the corn.

Anne choose Chief

Anne choose Chief

A horse of course! White Pines Ranch

My third elevated view of the day, this one on a mammal! My horse's name was Chief...prior to our ride we had to watch a video (geared mostly towards a younger crowd). They instructed riders to go stand in front of the horse they wanted and point (so I did!). To my left is fellow artist: Jan Sorenson and in front the owner of White Pines, Gig Bellows. So grateful to her for inviting me out for the trail ride. Chief was a trooper, can't imaging carrying 'me' up a canyon trail..but this guy did!


Full Fields Project 2013 Blog Series:

Part 1: Bocker Farm/Barnacopia

Part 2: Walks/Drives/Sights

Part 3: Elevator/Horse Ride/Sprayer

Part 4: Process

Part 5: Shoot Out

Part 6: Cathi’s Well

Part 7: Art Fair

2013 Fields Project Part 2: Walks, Drives and Inspiring Views

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne LeuckComment

Photos from my glorious morning walks...
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These farm vehicles reminded me of giant space age insects...
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Looking 'into' the corn...
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The corn's view...
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Painting site #1 Nordman Farm:
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The Nordman Farm: this was one of the plein air painting sites scheduled for the week, and the only one that I made it to. This barn is gorgeous, they had cattle and cats, everywhere! Ironically, I have no photos of the cats. 
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These guys were 'show' cattle...Their heads are tied up for 4 hours a day to enhance their posture during competition. The young girl that took me around assured me that this was a common practice and not harmful to them, and of course I still wonder. 
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Let me introduce you to Beckett...another show steer. He and his ebony cohort, Waldo were housed in an air conditioned section of the stable so their coats would grow fuller. They were the fluffliest looking cows I had ever seen, check out the tufts of extra hair growing around his ears.
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Roadside vistas I captured driving through Ogle County...
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This fabulous view reminded me of an Andrew Wyeth was even better in person with the wind blowing through that field.
Even rainy days made for some exquisite photo opportunities!

Full Fields Project 2013 Blog Series:

Part 1: Bocker Farm/Barnacopia

Part 2: Walks/Drives/Sights

Part 3: Elevator/Horse Ride/Sprayer

Part 4: Process

Part 5: Shoot Out

Part 6: Cathi’s Well

Part 7: Art Fair

2013 Fields Project Part 1: Bocker Farm / Barnacopia!

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne Leuck1 Comment

I just returned from my 6th trip to the Fields Project artist residency. I first participated in 2003. Eleven artists participated this year, staying with 10 host families.
Every year proves to be a unique and wondrous experience. I will split my
visit into blog posts over the next week or two. I took a gazillion photos, which means I have a handful of good ones to share with you!
My week wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining without the lovely people in this photo! My fabulous hosts: the Bockers, Gary (front seat passenger) and Judy (next to me in the back). And Cathi Schwalbe, a dear friend and fellow artist (we each had a room in the silo and pretty quickly dubbed ourselves the 'Silo Sisters'!) Lots of laughs from day one...Gary and Judy were so very gracious and acommodating, sharing their new creation "Barnacopia" with us.1013887_10151665401272002_1373146224_n
It gets windy in the backseat of a convertible!
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Cathi with her crazy lime green mustang! We had a weeks worth of fun in one night!Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.29.50 PM
"Barnacopia" Judy and Gary imagined and built this extremely impressive museum over the last year. It houses a plethora of farming
history including Gary's collection of farm equipment and vintage cars, and much more. There will be a grand opening in a few months when it is complete. See the cupola? There is a John Deere Tractor hanging/rotating up there!

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This is where I slept all week! My room was on the 2nd floor of this 4 story Silo.
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Shots from 'my farm': Bocker GrainScreen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.33.28 PM
Bocker Ruff Grain - i.d. tags for the train car shipments of cornScreen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.26.30 PM
Bocker Farm as seen from Route 64...I refer to it a "Oz"
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One of my sketching vistas on Father's Day between their giant corn bins.
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The view overhead.
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Close up of the drying bins...they have a very space age look!Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.21.02 PM
Same drying bins, backing up a bit.Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.22.03 PM

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Looking straight up the ladder to the top of the bin...Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.34.12 PM
We even snuck a pedicure in during the week, me = green toes to match the fields!


Full Fields Project 2013 Blog Series:

Part 1: Bocker Farm/Barnacopia

Part 2: Walks/Drives/Sights

Part 3: Elevator/Horse Ride/Sprayer

Part 4: Process

Part 5: Shoot Out

Part 6: Cathi’s Well

Part 7: Art Fair