Uncategorized — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



My Middle Age Freak Show

Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar..., UncategorizedAnne LeuckComment


Hello Friends! I've recently completed some big new work now available for sale at the State Street Gallery in the loop in Chicago! Last spring I was invited by curator, Jason Messinger, to participate in a group show in the theme of 'Carnival'. Inspired by 'circus side show' banners, I merged my painting style with my sketchbook journal imagery and my own personal middle age 'freak show' story to produce a collection of 5 foot pieces! I'm excited for you to see them, and I would like to personally invite you to join us this Thursday, October 13th for theCrazy 8 Artists' CarnivalOpening Receptionfrom 5-7:30. (Additional details below).

My Statement reveals all, you may be amused!

You can preview my other pieces here.




Eight Chicago artists with a wide range of techniques and a wild range of materials present their unique visions of the circus, carnival and festival! Kass Copeland, Alan Emerson Hicks, IZZO, Anne Leuck, Edward Master, Jason Messinger, Anthony Stagg, Joey WozniakOpening ReceptionThursday, October 13th5:00 - 7:30 pmThe opening reception is free and open to the publicBring your friends and co-workers after work!Downtown Chicago, across from the Harold Washington LibraryState Street Gallery401 South State Street, Chicago, ILEntrance on Van BurenRuns: Sep 26 - Dec 23, 2016Gallery Hours: Mon - Thu, 10am - 6pm

BIG DOGS, and a few kitties on walls...

Design & Illustration, New Work, Public Art, UncategorizedAnne LeuckComment






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Last week we did the BIG ART install at Pets First Chicago...it turned out GREAT! After meeting with Dr. C (Chitra Natarajan), I designed a 3 piece triptych for behind the check in counter and then window decal art for the lobby and foyer areas. Many of the pets in the artwork belong to staff that work at the clinic, as well as Dr. C's pets - and, of course, we wanted to include the Chicago skyline and doggie beach. I look forward to doing more of these kinds of jobs, please share my info with any veterinarians or pet businesses that you think might benefit by adding some fun colorful artwork to their spaces. I can work with folks anywhere in the country.

Another chance to Draw Your Heart Out!

UncategorizedAnne LeuckComment

We had a great Sketchbook Journaling Workshop on July 8th, all these ladies lovely artists and included in them a hair stylist, a college student, a real estate broker, and a teacher. It was big fun and the time flew by! I'm happy to announce I'm offering another one in  my studio on Wednesday, July 29th - I hope you'll join us! Details below.DRAW YOUR HEART OUT: Learn the Art of Keeping a Daily Sketchbook JournalDraw out your happy, your sad and your demons…whatever is ricocheting in your brain, no matter how simple, small, silly, monumental (you can) draw it out and write it out….clear your mind. Learn to engage in creative play with words and images on a daily basis via your sketchbook journal.

  • Where: Anne’s Ravenswood Studio: *5014 N. Hermitage, Unit WS

  • When: Wednesday, July 29th, 7-10 pm

  • Fee: $48 includes 3 hour workshop + all materials



Sketchbook, Uncategorized, VideoAnne Leuck1 Comment

I had a very quick, but lovely trip to the Northwest over the last week...sad and bad news when I arrived back in Chicago:

I would love some help finding copyright free music I can incorporate into my videos, feel free to share! As well as any editing tips you may have...this music didn't really fit, but was 'legal'.