corn maize... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


corn maize...

Inspiring Artists &...Anne Leuck3 Comments
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Corner of Emerald and Union in Chicago...on the way home from the:
Picture 5
Planted and hosted by Bill Friedman and Cathi (Corn) Schwalbe-Bouzide. Met Cathi's chickens, ate fresh roasted corn and had our photos taken as urban farmers in Grant Wood's "American Gothic"...(hard to see but the Sears Tower is in the background). I met Bill the first year I did the Fields Project in 2003 and Cathi and I met through Lill Street Art Center. She is lovingly referred to as the "Corn Lady" at the Fields Project where she is a regular paricpant every summer. This is their 3rd year bringing agriculture and antics into various communities in the city...
Picture 9
How do they do it?! Behind the scenes:
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