Day 2 with the sketchbook video: — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Day 2 with the sketchbook video:

Process, Sketchbook, VideoAnne LeuckComment two, experimenting with video capture! Sorry, I'm having trouble centering this, and clearly the video I took of actually writing that lovely quote by Tyler Knott Gregson didn't work out...foiled again!

I had the extraordinary experience of paddling on the lake without another soul in site, in the pouring rain. It was magical and a little crazy. Don’t worry, there was no lightening, Mom!

I rigged up this tripod (rock/candle/brick from my old house) for my phone/camera (which I took the photo with, so you can’t see it!) Unfortunately the 12 minutes of sketching I did were cropped too small. Trial by error…that’s my method!
