Feed Your Soul With Art... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Feed Your Soul With Art...

Inspiring Artists &...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 5Today during what I like to call 'productive procrastination' I decided to clean out the 'drafts' folder in my email program...I found many forgotten little notes to myself: Some reference people or companies I would like to do business with (in most cases I had actually written an email to send to them, then chickened out, these have been waiting all this time for me to muster courage) other ones reference artists who I would like to meet and that I found particularly inspiring ... Mary Jones is one of those, this piece is called "Betty", her paintings are so detailed and fun. She has a very clever, whimsical view of the world. So instead of deleting emails I ended up taking a delightful visual cyber trip and then a nice bike ride to the lake. Newly inspired I'm now back to work!