Hearts for Anna — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Hearts for Anna

Inspiring Artists &...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 28
To all of my fellow artists please consideringmaking a Heart for Anna, everyone else please consider buying one! I have known Anna for several years, we met through the art fair circuit. She is a such a gem of a person and wonderful artist, please read on and help if you can. (And I'm sorry for the short notice...I just found about this wonderful fundraiser today).

Anna Millea,a longtime Guild and Artful Home artist, is fighting breast cancer -again. The disease has returned aggressively and is now in her bones,requiring an extreme sixteen rounds of chemotherapy. She has noinsurance, having been deemed uninsurable due to her "pre-existingcondition."

When we at Artful Home learned of this we knew we needed todo something to try to help her through this situation. What we havecome up with is an event we are calling "Hearts for Anna", to which wehope you will contribute and donate a little bit of your time andtalent.

Artful Home will hold a 5-day online event, "Hearts for Anna",August 12-16, 2009 in which miniature artworks, no larger than 5" x 7",will be sold. The items will be sold first-come, first serve, with allitems selling for $100 on Day 1, $75 on Days 2 - 4, and $50 on Day 5.All money will go to a fund that goes directly to Anna Millea to helppay for her medical bills.

Follow this link to participate!