I have to apologize for the lack of content here these days. I'm busy trying to tie up loose ends from 2009, that includes finishing commissions, closing the books, paying sales taxes to 4 states coupled with all the art fair applications deadlines in January. The added distraction of all the exciting possibilities in my "2010 File", Facebook, and not being able to pull myself out of bed before 10am are wreaking havoc with me. I'm a night person, but especially so in the dead of winter. I would be happy to start my day at 3pm and work until midnight.
On Tuesday my day started with a migraine, I then decided to take the afternoon off in light of the fact that I worked every single day between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The problem is I don't 'schedule' a day off, so I feel guilty and don't do anything memorable. Need to nip that in the bud. Will add it to my 'list'. In lieu of New Years Resolutions I just wrote a hastily scrawled list of "Hopes for 2010". I read it before I go to sleep at night and when I wake up....think that will ensure my hopes become reality? I do, at least some of them. When I found myself refinancing our mortgage yesterday I added that to my list because it was on the 2009 list and I never got around to it. There is no better feeling than crossing something off a list! If you are still reading this, sorry for my rambling, thank you and it's time for you to get back to whatever it is you are really supposed to be doing ; )
PS Images...TOP: a very early painting from 1999 titled "Icons". A friend had found a bunch of canvases in an alley and given them to me, so I had the courage to paint on what was a very large canvas to me at the time without the fear of 'ruining' a new one. I love some of these older pieces, my style was much looser back then. MIDDLE: Random Izzy & Alice... BOTTOM: Trifle production, made for last Sunday's Art Girls Brunch, sorry no photo of the impressive looking end result.