Rapt in Maille — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Rapt in Maille

Inspiring Artists &...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 40I'll be featuring several of my friends from "Art Girls" over the summer as I happen by their art fair booths, today it's Melissa Banks of Rapt in Maille. I love her work and own one of her wide slinky cuff bracelets....I think it must be a wonder woman thing with me, I feel empowered with a cuff on! And Melissa is very prolific in this department, below are 2 of my new favorites. The chain mail is so comfortable to wear and for me always getting into paint and clay and other materials I don't have to worry about mussing it up, easy to clean, shiny stainless steel. 
Picture 29Melissa has many different collections which include necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings, visit RaptInMaille.com to purchase on-line or better yet try to catch her in person at one of her summer shows. She is exhibiting at Wells Street is this weekend, June 13-14th.
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