
BusinessAnne Leuck1 Comment

Just whipped up this card to go in my new mixed sets of holidaygreeting cards for One of a Kind. Cafe Press only lets you order sets of one design andpeople always want mixed so this year I will give the people what theywant! Running out to Xpedx to see if I can find boxes or bags that fitbetter than my current stock of clear bags.

Adrenaline is coursing through my body...This always happens, I worry for 3 weeks prior to an event but the mojo always kicks in at the last minute and brings all these other great ideas along with it! The clincher, I only have 'x' amount of time so I can only do so much...and in the middle of my short time to pull it together we are running up to WI to be with my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday (which I am VERY grateful for - but the timing is always tough). I'm just relieved that I'm back in 'super anne' mode, I was getting worried! I sound a little manic depressive don't I?

Wishing you & yours a wonderful holiday filled with lots of laughter and good cheer!