30 Miles, 70 SPF on 7/5/09 — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


30 Miles, 70 SPF on 7/5/09

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

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Rich & I did our little day trip to Indiana on Sunday...we biked the Calumet Trail which runs 18 miles roundtrip along the railroad tracks in blazing hot sun...so the other 11 miles were forays down tree shady roads trying to get over to the beach and lake, we did succeed. Please note the cooling tower in the background - I thought they only came in pairs...not pretty, but I like to paint them. That's Rich's shiny Workman's Bike...and a cool old VW Bus below.

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The trail...

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RIP Currents! no we did not swim : (  we had another 10 miles to ride.Picture 21This was not the trail, just a lovely tree lined road we used to get to the beach.

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There were beautiful cat tails all along the trail, and I saw 2 snakes! ack!

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