If you ever find yourself going through all the trouble of clearing a space out to paint the floor, the first thing you realize is that it would be crazy not to paint the walls too. Of course you must do this first, so Saturday was me painting walls, and Rich cleaning the newly exposed pink peeling concrete. Once dry we both painted by hand the west side of my studio (because it was too uneven to roll) with the fabulous Aqua concrete paint, the very same hue we used in my old beloved studio..

Sunday found us touching up the west side, letting it dry most of the afternoon and then moving everything to the other side of the basement and cleaning the east side and painting those walls ...by the time I got to the floor it was very late...The floor was pretty nasty and some of it very scary looking in spots, likeback under our stairwell...Rich taped a paint brush to a broom handlefor me so I didn't have to crawl in there. When I saw this brush on astick it reminded me of going to see the Zhou Brothers paint at theCultural Center a fe
w years ago...that's how they do their large scalepaintings. Not for me...not enough control!

So why didn't we transform this space right away when we moved here 2 years ago? Rich tells me he suggested it...I'm sure he did and I was so focused on what I was losing in my beautiful old studio that I wasn't looking for the potential in the new space. (also we were really concerned about what nightmare might lie under that old carpet). It's ironic as I'm casually scouting out possible store fronts and now have a space that I think I'll be much more creatively inspired and happy in. Maybe all I was missing was that blue floor under me, like a fish out of water without it (I am after all a Pisces). It's amazing the transformation you can get from a few gallons of paint..not to mention how sore and tired!