Save the Date! October 22: Dog & Art Lovers Night — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Save the Date! October 22: Dog & Art Lovers Night

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment

  Picture-10If you're in the Chicago area on the 22nd we hope you can help us collect **supplies for the Friends of Chicago Animal Care & Control Foster Program while enjoying Anne's canine inspired ART, WINE, CHOCOLATE (from local chocolatier, Parks Chocolates) and SAVORY TREATS! Don't forget to bring your dog and your friends to meet our special adoptable guest from CACC!

Bring in an *item/supply for Friends’ Pet Foster Program and you will receive a 20% savings certificate off any art or gift purchase!
**Items needed: Leashes, Snap-on Collars (any size), Dog Beds, Treats for Dogs & Cats (New), KMR Kitten Formula.

Please come out and support this group and all these deserving pets...we just adopted our Gracie from Chicago Animal Care & Control and I can tell you there are countless other dogs and cats there waiting for homes. See them here on Petfinder!!