Setting up shop... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Setting up shop...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck4 Comments
Picture 14

Picture 14

Love these in my baby blue stairwell..(thanks Kate, I miss you!)...Just hung work on every possible surface for my

Open Studio Sale

on Sunday. I'm exhausted but I do love hanging - it's like putting a puzzle together. Rich is going to work on some indirect lighting for me tomorrow, the flourescent lights create a lot of glare on my varnished pieces. Still need to do some cleaning, pricing etc...lots of sale tags! I found this painting stashed away, circa 1999. I used to try to stretch my own canvas but was never very good at it, this piece ended up a trapezoid and never sold. Maybe I'll offer it as a door prize!

Picture 15

Picture 15

I'll share more photos of my gussied up studio once we finish up tomorrow as well as a blog give, how weird are her pupils? Maybe that's why it never sold - Sweet dreams!