s.o.f.a. chicago 2008 — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


s.o.f.a. chicago 2008

Inspiring Artists &...Anne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 4
Detail above of Lure (titan) by Leigh Taylor Mickelson of Sherrie Gallerie.

This afternoon I took the chilly trip downtown to attendSOFA Chicago (Sculptural Objects & Functional Art). Too often I do not take advantage of all that is offered by this wonderful city, today Idid and I was greatly rewarded with an inspiring visual cornucopia ofart and talent. I was most intrigued by the jewelry, ceramic and glasssculpture. So many fabulous artists: Wesley Anderegg, Judith Hoyt, Margaret Wharton,and so many more. It made me realize I have to quit playing it so safe,I need to take some risks and bring some of those wacky ideas floatingaround in my imagination to fruition. Also so fun to see my friend Kathy Frey who was their representing her sculptural jewelry with the Mowen Solinsky Gallery of California. Santa Fe artist Geoffrey Gorman had some amazing dog sculptures on display, this one really spoke to me: