commission — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO




Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

RiggleyHad so much fun with this new Pet Portrait Composition...Riggley is adorable and was a very inspiring subject! Comments from Michele: he loves to play with garden gloves, sticks, balls,
chew on shoes and steal Laurie's clay tools!


Color studies during the design process:

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painting the birdbath...part 3: re-line & deliver!

Commissioned Art, New WorkAnne Leuck5 Comments

A week ago last Thursday night I finished painting the bird bath for the HCS Family Services 'In Bloom" public art project at Oak Brook Center. was an evening of re-lining to bring the images back into sharp focus!

It got to be a late night...

...the bottom/underside took way longer than I expected, finally finished at 3am!

Made last minute touch ups in the morning then signed it with my top secret tool...

...time to deliver it to Westmont to Remes Auto Body for the protective clear coat, Rich generously took the time to help me transport this thing once again.

...was very glad to have these gentlemen unload and carry it off the truck.

Can you tell it's late afternoon on a Friday? These guys were very jovial! I just received an email all the pieces were installed today at Oak Brook Center and the big award ceremony, ribbon cutting and sculpture walk is next Thursday, May 19th...kind of exciting!

...and it won't fit through the studio door!

Commissioned Art, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment

Drove out to Westmont yesterday to pick up the fiberglass hibiscus bird bath I've been commissioned to paint for the In Bloom Public Art Project on display at Oak Brook Center this summer...I knew it probably would not fit in the truck with the topper. Luckily an angel stepped in and was able to help us hoist it up to the roof and we bungeed it down. Made for a suspenseful ride back into the city on the expressways. Upon arrival at my studio, it came down off the truck easily, but no matter how we angled it, just would not fit through the door! It's currently sitting in my entryway...I had thoughts of painting it out there but am leery of vandalism, so will most likely port it home to my garage to paint. Stay tuned!

Happily Ever After...

Commissioned ArtAnne Leuck1 Comment


This Custom Narrative Commission Print was a gift for newlyweds Katie & Tim. It features their Chicago neighborhood, Lincoln Square, their house, their beloved beagles: Nigel & Zoe, their love of travel and Mini Coopers (he races) and the site of their recent wedding ceremony: the Natural Bridges of Santa Cruz, in California. They received a Gift Certificate and were able to collaborate with me on the design for a most meaningful and vibrant work of art!

Katie & Time came by the studio this afternoon to pick up "Happily Ever After". And on that subject, they are currently fostering Kaylee (see below) a very sweet Beagle here in Chicago that needs a home. Please contact the number below or visit if you think you could give this wonderful dog a 'happily ever after', too!

Tango....A day in the life of a Vizsla

Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

This was another Holiday Pet Portrait Gift...this one a 24x36 Painting of a local Chicagoland Vizsla, "Tango". I met Cris and his wife back in August at the Bucktown Arts Fest, he contacted me in November wanting to surprise his wife with this wonderful gift. He was the perfect client - supplying me with many wonderful photos and a list of Tango's favorite places, activities, toys and treats, including baguettes after picking one up on a walk near the Red Hen Bakery. This was a fun project from beginning to end!

Tango with his painting!

This was the final sketch before I did the painting....and black and white below: TangoSketch1