commission art — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


commission art

Bad Ass Art...

Commissioned Art, Pet PortraitsAnne Leuck4 Comments

It was great fun to create this composition encompassing all the lovely animals at the "Bad Ass Sheep Farm". I had the pleasure of visiting the Hendricks Farm over the Holidays when I was visiting family and friends in Wisconsin and meeting all these adorable creatures. Very helpful to capture the spirit of this commission. In the painting: their chickens...(sorry I don't have names) Dogs: Joy and Bo, Jack (Sparro) the  kitty cat, Jacob Sheep Ewes: Rachel and Rebecca, Romney Sheep: 769 & Pitchfork and last, but not least, Penny..the (not so) bad ass! Oh...and the bees, they even make their own fabulous honey...from the Division of Angry Bees! Such lovely people and an idealic little farm, thanks Beth Ann & John!


Jacob Sheep Ewes, Rachel and their markings!

Raw Honey, brought to you by the Division of Angry Bees!


Beth Ann getting ready to serve up a bad ass lunch!



Not just a change of seasons...

Business, Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

StudiochangeHaving this storefront space has been an interesting experience...I've been here 1.5 years and kept regular open studio/gallery/shop hours for most of that time. I continue to get lots of commission work from people in the neighborhood but it's difficult to get that work done during 'open' hours and it's hard to commit to that during the summer when I have so many outdoor shows. So...I re-painted the "Gallery & Shop" sign to read "Art Studio". For now I'll be open on occasion, for special events and probably most Saturdays. Closer to the holidays, I may have set hours. It already seems to be working out, I've had a few appointments and even some knocks on the door this week. I'm happy to meet with you most days or evenings and you are always welcome to knock on the door if you're in the neighborhood!

Speaking of being open...this Saturday, September 18th is Guinness Oyster Fest in Roscoe Village so I will be open from Noon-7pm. Stop in for a drink and some special end of the season deals!