
The trade is finally complete...

Inspiring Artists &..., New WorkAnne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 6Last weekend I had a wonderful surprise visit from my good pal and fabulous artist, Kerry Rolewicz. We did a trade at the 2007 One of a Kind Show, I got the gorgeous piece below from her and in return I agreed to create a painting paying homage to a road trip out west that she took with her husband back in the early days before kids and mortgages (the plan was to give it to him as an anniversary gift). I was glad to finally get this painting to her, and hope he thinks this gift was worth the wait! (She noted the 4 mountains I put in each panel and the irony of now having 4 little boys...then we had to speculate what the number of trees might represent! Any ideas?)Picture 31
PS I think I talked her into opening an Etsy Store...stay tuned for a link.

Crazy Smiling Dog + Free Shipping on Etsy!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

We've all met a Crazy Smiling Black Dog at one time or another! This is one of my best selling Prints. It's inspired by Sidnee, a very silly Black Lab and member of my host farm family for 2 different years at theFields Project. This Ready to Hang Print would make a fabulous gift, and you can't go wrong with my new Free Shipping offer!   ***Free Shipping on everything in my Etsy Shop through December 31st***