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1001 Fans....

Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment

Are you on Facebook? I just surpassed the 1000 "Like" landmark for my Anne Leuck Feldhaus Studio Business page - I do realize this fluctuates daily so you might visit and find it back at 995 again! In any case, I am so grateful for all the 'likes' and comments and interactions and feedback about my work. I'm much better about updating there than on my website or here on the blog - just due to the ease of it. I'm sure I will be posting more specials once I get settled in my new more private work studio so if you would like to "LIKE" me...well, I'd like that! ; )

Painting Raffle for Chicago Canine Rescue

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment

SmiligorgdogOrange Smiling Pup © 2009 13x14 Acrylic on Wood Cabinet Door. Retail Value: $300

I started a raffle for this painting last Saturday at the Chicago Canine Rescue Adoption Event, $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5. Several of you have asked how you can purchase tickets. I think the best way to do it is for you to donate money directly to Chicago Canine Rescue via this secure CCR Donation Site, then forward me an email with your donation amount and I will put the appropriate number of tickets for you into the Raffle Jar. I will do the drawing for the painting on Saturday, March 20th and announce the winner on my blog and on my Facebook Fan Page.