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Dog Days of Summer Open Studio Sale!

Events, Shows & Ar..., SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

Dog Days of Summer Open Studio Sale

New Studio: 5014 N. Hermitage, Unit WS

Please come through the northern most gate of the building and ring the bell

Friday, August 10th: 5-9pm

Saturday, August 11th Noon-6pm

Sorry to have disappeared for so many's been a busy summer, I've gotten some much needed R & R and hope to share some posts of my activities soon. In the mean time...I moved my studio, again!The new space is much bigger and I love it...hope some of you can come by next weekend and check it out. I'll have new paintings available from the Fields Project, and for the first time, even some of my ceramic work. There will be some lovely deals on older works and prints, too. Can't make it? You are welcome to make an appointment for a studio visit at your convenience, or check out my paintings at AnnesArt.comand let me know what you are interested in.

Lovely ladies + my art...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

I had a wonderful morning on Saturday at the Deer Path Art League Gallery. I had a surprise visit from some past customers and met some new ones, as well as other artists and students there taking classes in the building.In the photo: Vicki Marasco, Gallery Director (on the right) and Lydia Backer, Gallery Coordinator (on the left) who hung a beautiful show...I also met the lovely lady in orange who complemented every one of my paintings with her ensemble (not to mention she made her beautiful sweater)! 

Also really enjoyed seeing the work of all the *other artists in the show:   *Kristin Gereau/Wearable Fiber, Lezlie Lenz/Painting, Eugenia Meltzer/Ceramics, Cady Watson/Painting, Nio Tavlos/Painting, James Wilbat/Glass

You still have time to see the show, it runs through February 24th: Open Monday through Friday: 10am-4pm. Saturdays by appointment only.

Southern Style Cookin' & My Art...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment


Don't miss my Art Reception at the Wishbone on Lincoln next Thursday, February 17th...with Complimentary, fabulous, Southern Style Appetizers. Come by to see my latest paintings and prints hanging for the month of February and have a drink...then stay for dinner, or at the very least, have a cup of their amazing Seafood Chowder. We'll be in the bar area from 6-9pm....I would love to see you!  3300 N. Lincoln Avenue in Chicago....c'mon out, I promise you will warm up once you taste this food and see my art!

Whimsical...first exhibition of 2011

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 17

The Whimsical Show at the Deer Path Art League's Gallery in Lake Forest opens this Friday, January 7th from 5-8pm. The gallery is located at: 400 E. Illinois Rd., (2nd floor) Lake Forest, IL 60045   847-234-3743. Several of my paintings and prints will be on display and available for purchase through February 25th. I'm looking forward to this and many other exhibit opportunities in the coming year!

PS Whether it's a poster, billboard, book or postcard...can't deny I'm always thrilled when I get to be the cover girl!

Anne's Art in Niche Magazine...

Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment

NicheMagSummer2010I'm very excited to have my Painting, 'Black Frisbee Flyer', featured inthe Summer 2010 issue of Niche Magazine and on their website. Niche is a trade publication forindependent Retailers, they found my work via the Artful Home website.I've already received a call from a gallery in New Orleans interested ina wholesale order (big smile). Would love to do more wholesale...gottamove more of these paintings out into the world!Picture 46

You are invited...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 24

You Are Invited to the THE POISON CUP WINE & ART BOUTIQUE for an Art Reception for AnneLeuck Feldhaus this Friday, June 18th from 5-8pm at 1128 West Armitage inChicago. In keepingwith the spirit of my work, The Poison Cup will be serving "Critter Wines" toinclude: GioCaTo Pinot Grigio and Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc! Come out andsee some of my most recent paintings, explore the incredible selection ofwines, and toast the upcoming Summer Solstice and Dog Days of Summer...

p.s.Your four legged friends are welcome too!

Save the Date....RV Dog & Art Lovers Night!

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 3Mark your calendars for the first ever Roscoe Village Dog & ArtLovers Night!

  • When:      Friday, May 21st
  • Where:     Anne's Studio & Gallery: 2040 West Roscoe in Chicago
  • What:      Bring your friends human andCANINE to join us for Art, Wine and Treats as Anne shares her newestspring paintings and welcomes a Special Adoptable Guest from ChicagoCanine RescueWe will also be collecting *items for their Roscoe VillageShelter.
  • What Else: Bring an*item for the shelter and receive a 20% Savings Certificateoff any original painting! *Items needed: Garbage bags, PaperTowels & Detergent

The trade is finally complete...

Inspiring Artists &..., New WorkAnne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 6Last weekend I had a wonderful surprise visit from my good pal and fabulous artist, Kerry Rolewicz. We did a trade at the 2007 One of a Kind Show, I got the gorgeous piece below from her and in return I agreed to create a painting paying homage to a road trip out west that she took with her husband back in the early days before kids and mortgages (the plan was to give it to him as an anniversary gift). I was glad to finally get this painting to her, and hope he thinks this gift was worth the wait! (She noted the 4 mountains I put in each panel and the irony of now having 4 little boys...then we had to speculate what the number of trees might represent! Any ideas?)Picture 31
PS I think I talked her into opening an Etsy Store...stay tuned for a link.