greyhound — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Wells Street Wrap Up Part II

Events, Shows & Ar..., Sketchbook, The Dogs Behind the ArtAnne Leuck2 Comments

Picture 35If you've ever chatted with me at a show, chances are I told you all about my dogs and their influence on my art. So I was a little nervous about retaining my composure, since this was myfirst art fair since losing Izzy, and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. As luck would have it, the Greyhounds Only rescue group were set up across from my booth at the Wells Street Show. They created a beautiful diversion, and also inspired me all weekend long. I did several drawings of them and in the midst of sharing with people about Izzy, did my first 'patron saint of' / post-pumpkin sketches.Picture 39 

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