installation — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



So excited to be making BIG art...

Business, New Work, Public ArtAnne LeuckComment

My nervous sketchbook journal entry Friday morning...pre-install of my murals and canine characters for: Urban Pooch's new Canine Training & Fitness Center! The Grand Opening is this Saturday at 5400 N. Damen Avenue in Chicago.* The guys at Sign-a-rama did a fantastic job *

Co-owners Dan with Maxine (the green dog) and Ed, below with Berwyn, their actual dog (I did his portrait last year).Me with much FUN to see my dogs as bigger than life as cut outs!2nd smaller mural of "Mixed Breeds"

Spot!Joplin, the one REAL dog at the install...such a sweetie!View from the street as I was leaving...can't wait for the final signage to go up on the outside of the building. More pics to come!