
Homeless Pets Inspire Art by Chicago 7th Graders...

Helping out our 4 Legg..., My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment

Back in October I volunteered to do an art project with Friends of Audubon School to help raise money for educational programs. This school has no budget for art so it was a treat for the kids and I also got a chance to share awareness about all the homeless pets out there. These nineteen 7th Graders certainly rose to the occasion. Using to search for homeless dogs in the Audubon zip code, I found over 5,300 within a 100 mile radius. I printed out photos/descriptions/adoption information for 19 dogs and gave one to each student to use as their subject. They each painted their dog’s portrait on a 6x6 inch piece of cardboard and attaching tags with their particular dog’s name onto the painting. I mounted the paintings on wood panels and they have been on display at Starbucks since early November. They will be auctioned off to raise money for the school next Wednesday, December 8th. You are welcome to view them and even bid on line at the links below. Thanks to Amanda Shell to helping out on painting day!

Bid on 'Nine Lives':



Bid on 'Adopt A Friend For Life!'Adoptafriend

The administrators liked the kids' work so much they used it for the promotional materials for the Auction Fundraiser. Follow the links to see all the other wonderful art available for bidding by kids who worked with other artist volunteers.Picture 3