leuck — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Generous Feature from artist, Marilyn Grad...

Press & Published ...Anne Leuck1 Comment

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Chicago Mixed Media Artist, Marilyn Grad wrote a very generous feature about me on her Blog titled Personal Artist Hero. I'm humbled by her words. I spend most of my time so caught up in the day to day, thinking I'm never doing enough and wondering what's around the next bend. Her post made me reflect on some of things that I have accomplished and appreciate that I am living my dream...then it occurred to me that in that dream, there are flowers and I should take more time to smell them.Thanks, Marilyn!

Young At Heart Adoption Event at the Studio this Saturday!

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment


This Saturday, December 12th, we will have some
wonderful Senior Dogs from
At Heart Pet Rescue
Available for Adoption and
ready to go home with you for the

Please join us for Holiday Treats and
Libations, a Raffle for the PAINTING below
and a Holiday Giftpack. Shop our Holiday Sale featuring 30-50%
off on Anne's Older Original Paintings


  • What: YAH Pet Rescue Adoption Event
  • When: Saturday December 12th, Noon-3pm
  • Where: Anne's Studio, 2040 W. Roscoe,


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