minneapolis — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



A peek at my sketchbook...

SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

Picture 16 So much to share and so little time to blog. In the mean time, here's a little peek at my sketchbook from earlier this month...drew this in Minneapolis over the course of an afternoon at the Uptown Art Fair. Note the bottom of the page 'I got lost last night'....(no, I do not have a gps and I have the most basic of old fashioned cell phones). I like good old fashioned maps, but did I have one? Of course not ; ) I was trying to find my way back to my friend's house in St. Paul, exhausted from the heat, tired, starving and with a killer headache. I couldn't get ahold of my friend or Rich (back in Chicago), to check on-line. Did what we all had to do in the old days, stopped at a gas station and some lovely residents of St. Paul were happy to point me in the right direction after declaring 'you are WAY far from where you want to be'...always grateful for the kindness of strangers.  

Uptown Art Fair this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment


Dates: August 6-7-8

Hours: FRI: Noon-8pm SAT: 10am-8pm SUN: 10am-6p
Location: Lagoon & Hennepin
Uptown Neighborhood in Minneapolis

Looking forward to a beautiful drive and seeing collectors
and friends in Minneapolis...love this show!

Visit Anne on the Mall (North Side)
Booth #2119

More Details



My Chicago Studio will be also be open on
Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8th for
Stop by if you are in the neighborhood!
