painter — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



It's that time of year....

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Where did the summer go? It's already time for the fabulous Bucktown Arts Fest!
This unique show is an incredible, eclectic mix of artists,
performance, community and don't want to miss me!
Come see for yourself and say hello: I'll be in Booth #14, the Northwest corner of the park on Belden.


Where: Senor Citizen Memorial Park
Oakley & Belden (2200 North in Bucktown)
When: Saturday & Sunday, August 25-26

Hours: 11am-7pm

...and it won't fit through the studio door!

Commissioned Art, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment

Drove out to Westmont yesterday to pick up the fiberglass hibiscus bird bath I've been commissioned to paint for the In Bloom Public Art Project on display at Oak Brook Center this summer...I knew it probably would not fit in the truck with the topper. Luckily an angel stepped in and was able to help us hoist it up to the roof and we bungeed it down. Made for a suspenseful ride back into the city on the expressways. Upon arrival at my studio, it came down off the truck easily, but no matter how we angled it, just would not fit through the door! It's currently sitting in my entryway...I had thoughts of painting it out there but am leery of vandalism, so will most likely port it home to my garage to paint. Stay tuned!

8th Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 34It's hard to believe it's going to be my 8th year doing the Holiday Open Studio Sale! The good news is that this year I do not have to clean my house : ) since I'm hosting it here at my beautiful new studio in Roscoe Village. There is so much more room and my gift selection is bigger then ever before. I'm also offering some really great discounts on select paintings and prints. For those of you who cannot attend, I've posted many items in my Etsy Shop under the Holiday Sale category and I will continue to add to that over the weekend.

WHAT: Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale   

WHERE: 2040 W. Roscoe in Chicago There is Pay Parking on my block but free parking on all blocks west and on surrounding residential streets.

WHEN: This Weekend! Saturday, December 19th from Noon-7pm &  Sunday, December 20th from Noon-4pm

WHY: To Shop and Visit and Toast the Holiday Season! Take advantage of the SALE and pick up some great gifts and art for yourself or your loved ones.

And while you're in the neighborhood, enjoy lunch or dinner at one of the many wonderful cafes and restaurants and check out the other great boutiques!