
Young At Heart Adoption Event at the Studio this Saturday!

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment


This Saturday, December 12th, we will have some
wonderful Senior Dogs from
At Heart Pet Rescue
Available for Adoption and
ready to go home with you for the

Please join us for Holiday Treats and
Libations, a Raffle for the PAINTING below
and a Holiday Giftpack. Shop our Holiday Sale featuring 30-50%
off on Anne's Older Original Paintings


  • What: YAH Pet Rescue Adoption Event
  • When: Saturday December 12th, Noon-3pm
  • Where: Anne's Studio, 2040 W. Roscoe,


  • Il_fullxfull.59397181



Cat Lovers Gifts!

Events, Shows & Ar..., Functional Art, My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Picture 6Gifts for the Cat Lover! These items are all available at my Studio Storefront but many can also be purchased on-line...coasters, mugs, ornaments and magnets are all in my Shop here and here.

Picture 10 Beautiful new Limited Edition Pet Feeder Tables in my shop. If you want one I am happy to ship to you! The small Cat Feeder is $138.Picture 11 Stationery Notepads and Notepad Gift packs from $5 to $25...I will gladly ship these as well.Picture 31 Ready to Hang! 8x8 Float Frame Cat Prints..just $48 each. Available on Etsy!Picture 12 And if you are looking for something REALLY SPECIAL, I suggest the Custom Cat Portrait Gift Certificate...these are available in a variety of sizes and media options starting at just $250!Picture 13

Puppies, Art, Community, and a Sunny Day...

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 15We had the perfect day yesterday for our adoption event with the Anti-Cruelty Society at my studio...plenty of sunshine and temps in the 50's...Picture 184 very sweet dogs arrived around noon- that's Camry above, she was the spunkiest of the group.Picture 27
This is mother/daughter duo, Sunfire and Sunbird, they were rescued in Tennessee by artist, Bernie Berlin of A Place to Bark. I've mentioned Bernie before, as I've been involved in a few different projects to help raise money for her rescue efforts, the most recent the Party Animals Book and auction. These girls were so sweet and awfully timid. They were nearly adopted together, really hope that couple will contact Anti-Cruelty and take them after mulling over their decision this weekend. Picture 17 That's Sunbird on my lap and very sweet girl Theresa, they would all make such dear companions. There were wonderful volunteers and folks from Anti-Cruelty on hand to chat with all the people who came by to meet the dogs. Such a great sense of community and caring combined with the joy of being around such endearing pups...! The day was so reflective of all my hopes for combining my art and this space and community with my desire to give more exposure to and hopefully get more homeless pets adopted. Picture 19
If you would like more information or to go meet any of these dogs, please contact the Chicago Anti-Cruelty Society.Picture 28


Pet PortraitsAnne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 43

Picture 27

 Picture 28Doing Rusty's portrait was bittersweet, between the time Rhonda ordered the portrait and I started on it, he passed very sad. So now this Portrait has become a colorful reminder of her very best friend. Rhonda was in town last week, we both got teary when she came to see it, I sent her on her way with a magnet that I had made as a little gift for her to keep until the print arrives to her in California. When I did the sketches I created a younger Rusty, solidly colored and the senior Rusty with the lighter face, I am humbly adding younger Rusty to my portfolio of breeds as the Golden Retriever. Bittersweet.

Picture 52

This is the first order I received for the larger Pet Portrait Print really came out beautifully. I just ordered another to put in my window display with Jack's portrait...this is a good comparison of the two sizes, Jack's Box Frame Print Portrait is 12x12 ($250) and Rusty's Float Back Print Portrait is 18x18 ($350). My deadline for Pet Portrait Orders for guaranteed delivery by the holidays is November if you are considering this as a gift please place your order soon! Gift Certificates are also available.