ravenswood — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Come See Me at the Ravenswood ArtWalk this weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

I'm excited to be participating in the Ravenswood Art Walk for the first time this weekend, it's shaping up to be a great event! You can tour artist's studios all around the Ravenswood neighborhood, enjoy live music, brewery & distillery tours, and more. Get the details here & check out the  map and Artist Index.

My studio is location #45:
5014 N. Hermitage, North Gate Entrance (ring the bell)
Saturday, September 29th 11am-7pm
Sunday, September 30th  11am-6pm


And don't forget to check out my Interview Feature on the Ravenswood Art Walk Blog.

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My beautiful new studio!

Events, Shows & Ar..., My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

I can't believe I haven't shared photos of my awesome new studio space with you, yet! In my defense, it has been a busy summer. This new space is just a few blocks south of my Ravenswood location on Hermitage, I moved at the end of June. It's much larger, in fact, the largest studio I've ever had.The wonderful glass block windows remind me of my beloved first studio, in my home on Oakley, in Bucktown. These are some recent photos take prior to last weekend's Open Studio Sale. If you missed it, appointments are always welcome...just contact me!

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My neighbor, Anastsia Mak, who has the art studio on the opposite side of the courtyard took this photo...Here is a sample of her lovely work:

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Merchandise Mart, Chicago

©2009 Anastasia Mak