The Sunnier Side of the Weekend... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


The Sunnier Side of the Weekend...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck1 Comment

The weekend was not all devastation and destruction...I got to catch up with someof my wonderful customers and friends that I had not seen in awhile and I met manynew ones...not too mention several adorable canines...
Picture 3

This is Boomer with his new Anne Leuck Feldhaus Mounted Print!

Picture 4And this is the very talented Katie Korroch of Katiedid Studio - it was so fun to meet her and her husband Bob in person...and she is the mother of the fabulous Kate Korroch...artist and art helper extraordinaire! I had the added pleasure of a studio visit from Kate & Katie today...(of course I forgot to snap a photo) I feel very lucky to have met these two fantastic artists and clever women with whom I happen to share a certain design aesthetic...we could have talked all day and night, and into the next week I'm sure!

Picture 19This little gal is Zoe....her owner purchased this Box Print from me at the One of A Kind Show & Sale (last December) and brought her to the Evanston Art Fair so I could meet her...she was a little sweetie pie.