Art Re-Treat

Inspiring Artists &..., My Candy Colored World, Process, Sketchbook, TravelAnne Leuck3 Comments

Back from an amazing art retreat weekend in rural Wisconsin with Rachel and Erica ..and remotely our dear friend Lois Keller

Rachel started this amazing new series of paintings and created several lovely water colors...

Picture 33

Picture 33

Erica pulled this one out of her hat...this large piece consists of 10 separate panels:

Picture 29

Picture 29

Lois shipped us a box of treasures, included for each of us was a lovely drawing (this is the one she sent for me) with sentiments and her wishes for each of us and our creative lives for 2008.

And these are some of my pieces - I did paintings on cardboard:

Picture 32

Picture 32

These 3 women have impacted my life and art in so many ways, we have a very magical connection that has only strengthened over the last 7+ years. I'd love to share more as so many wonderful things transpired...but I'll just have to leave you with these snippets since I'm scrambling to get myself and things together before I leave Wednesdayfor my trip up to Minneapolis for the Uptown Art Fair. Not an easything since I've had a non-stop whirl wind of fun, adventure and travel over the last few weeks. I feel so lucky to be taking all these trips and for the chance to reconnect with so many wonderful friends and family.