Green Thumbs...not yet but my fingers are crossed... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Green Thumbs...not yet but my fingers are crossed...

My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment
Picture 23

Picture 23

Well after 2 back to back weekends of art fairs and all the loose ends I need to tie up before heading to the Fields Project on Saturday, I have no business going out and buying flowers but I had to. Last year all I had  on the deck was an azaela bush (which stopped flowering the week after I bought it). I need to see some color when I look out the window and the sooner I get these into pots and settled the sooner I have more color, right? (My thumbs are a fleshy shade of pink, no green in site). Mom, you know I wish you could snap your fingers and be here to guide me! My Mother and her husband Bill grow the most beautiful gardens around their home in the woods...I paint with acrylics, she paints with flowers. (...And Rich is taking care of the vegetable portion of our petite urban farm).