Hot, Hot, Hot Kansas City! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Hot, Hot, Hot Kansas City!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck7 Comments

We are back from Kansas City...the weather was great...but too HOT for the likes of me. Luckily I was next to my pal Laura Nugent who took good care of me with a nice big cooler full of ice and other select beverages. We met lots of wonderful people and many new customers. I also met some great artists, Andrew Johnson, aka the Stitch Maestro who won best of show in his category and was this year's poster artist. I love his whimsical style (I know you are very surprised I would like this kind of art!). More artists to be introduced in a future post.

Laura & I goofing after a long HOT day.

Look's like I have my new booth shot for 2008 (minus the 10)...& all lit up...

Picture 21

Picture 21

Now busy with paper work, finishing commissions, running errands, off to the vet in an hour with Izzerloo...