The Big MOVE...

My Candy Colored World, The Dogs Behind the Art, TravelAnne Leuck3 Comments

I meant to document our move over the last several weeks - that is the amount of time we have taken to transport our lives, countless trips in our pickup! And one hired haul of our furniture. Not the most efficient system - it was quite a roller coaster of chaos and emotion ...we took the final miscellaneous things from the house on Wednesday and still have yet to empty the garage..hopefully tonight!

Packing up my studio was the hardest part...I will have a very different space arrangement but I'm looking forward to starting fresh in a new place and working completely above ground for a change...and who knows what new imagery will emerge living across the street from a bread factory!

The new house is over 100 years old and is very sunny and bright and has these incredibly high ceilings. I chose Peacock Blue for our kitchen and living space - I love it and it also sets Izzy & Alice off very nicely!

Alice looks on as I paint the final pieces in my Bucktown Studio from her favorite ratty green chair that we left behind in the alley...