The my future! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


The my future!

My Candy Colored World, New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck5 Comments

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It's been a crazy week, I knew I might get the keys to the space early but had no indication of when. On Monday afternoon Sarah of Sacred Art called and said she was all moved to the new location and ready to hand them over. Very generous of her since the lease does not start until the 1st. So I have been busy cleaning and meeting with people to get quotes for the work I need done. Floors, weather stripping, face-lifting the front window bays, patching the ceiling and adding more track lights. I'll be doing most of the painting - it's so many different colors right now that I need to just get a white base coat on everything and then I'll be able to see it clearly and choose the color(s) going forward. So many details..arranging alarm system, gas, electric, phone and internet, insurance, city business license.... and my current cell phone gets zero to very little reception, so it looks like I'll be switching wireless carriers too. My Angie's List membership has really come in handy for finding the best companies to work with, as well as recommendations from friends. 

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I sold the print above on Etsy yesterday, and personalized it for the buyer. I was a little leary, markers are permanent and it's not like I could just paint over it if I messed it looks pretty good. Next time it's an extra charge (anxiety fee). Okay, time to get all the commissions wrapped up that I was supposed to be working on during the week, and then hopefully painting in the space this afternoon. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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