There's no business like show business... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


There's no business like show business...

Business, Events, Shows & Ar..., Inspiring Artists &...Anne LeuckComment
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You haven't heard from me much this summer...but I've been plenty busy! In lieu of doing a myriad of outdoor artfairs I've been busy developing a Wholesale Line of Gift Items for Stores and Pet Boutiques. I showcased much of this new work at the Chicago Gift Market at the Merchandise Mart in July, and have many new products in the works since then. I love doing these shows, designing my booth, sharing new work with potential clients and meeting so many other lovely designers and makers. It was a blast, here's some before and after shots:

My most colorful booth to date - It's amazing what you can accomplish with a staple gun, a few rolls of colored paper and ikea shelving!

My new 'Holiday' selections!

My lovely girfriends from Green Daffodil, Siouxanne & Anne! 

My new best friend in Canada! Julie, at Julie Sinden Handmade. We did an 'international' trade, I got a super cute new winter hat!

...and the lovely Martha, of The 3 Sisters Design Studio! This gal is nonstop fun and a brilliant designer.