Trucks & Planes — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Trucks & Planes

ClayAnne LeuckComment


I clicked a few photos of trucks that I'm working on at Lill Street. Sadly an hour before I took the wet clay photo I lost a cab from another truck, lopped right off onto the floor into many  pieces. Very just have to let go when it comes to clay. It's fragile and unpredictable but also really therapeutic and so much fun to play around with. This white truck is actually underglaze on bisqued (that means fired once) terra cotta was bright orange before I slopped on the white.I do this so when I add the color I can get brighter hues.  It is going to be a milk go with the egg truck. The first one is my crazy version of a cement truck..that was my Monday night.


And I got my plane back last week. I included strategically placed holes, the plan is to thread wire through andhang it from the ceiling. I also made clouds but they still need to beglazed.
