Website Updates! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Website Updates!

BusinessAnne Leuck2 Comments


Several times of year I seriously think about hiring a web designer,but then time slips away and I just continue morphing this monster Icreated so many years ago! That's what I did this week:

  • I added my newly completed painting "65 South" to my front page. I love this painting and am now ready to let go of 12 Acres if the right buyer comes along.
  • Reworked many of my Custom Dog & Pet Portrait Order pages: Starting with the Sketch Process Page, I used Brutus as a case study.
  • Updated and simplified the Face Portrait and the Full Body Custom Canvas Painting order forms.I still have to figure out how to get a downloadable pdf on my site. The dangers of doing everything yourself. The other problem I can't update my leftside menu frame, it'sm making me crazy.
  • Uploaded my Mission Statement page...I recently completed a longer version for a potential licensing deal and have meant to post this on my website forever. I just want people to adopt and not buy animals, if they really new the statistics I think they would adopt. Speaking of: I heard Oprah is doing a show on puppy mills tomorrow...I am so happy about this, people need to know. She could in this one hour show change the lives of thousands of homeless pets (I'm hoping in addition to getting these mills shut down that they make the point to encourage people to go their local shelters to adopt instead of buying dogs). We'll see how it all plays out tomorrow.
  • Updated my Animal Inspiration page - added a few more recent photos to the very old ones.
  • Updated my listing to show recently SOLD pieces...always a joy to do!
